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GYALOS-24k Gold Plate GemDuo Magnetic Clasp. Weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-013090-GP * One Set 23.3 x... |
GYALOS-Antique Brass Plate GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-013090-AB * One Set... |
GYALOS-Antique Silver Plate GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-013090-SP * One Set... |
GYALOS-Rose Gold Plate GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-013090-RG * One Set 23.3 x... |
PROVATAS II-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS * 24K GOLD PLATE * One Pair 10.4 x 13.1 mm (comes with matching Cymbal post back/nut) Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012819-GP |
PROVATAS II-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS * ANTIQUE BRASS PLATE * One Pair 10.4 x 13.1 mm (comes with matching Cymbal post back/nut) Stock #... |
PROVATAS II-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS * ANTIQUE SILVER PLATE * One Pair 10.4 x 13.1 mm (comes with matching Cymbal post back/nut) Stock #... |
PROVATAS II-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS * ROSE GOLD PLATE * One Pair 10.4 x 13.1 mm (comes with matching Cymbal post back/nut) Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012819-RG |
PROVATAS-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS 24K GOLD PLATE * One Pair 5.0 x 8.5 mm, with Cymbal Earring Backs, Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012818-GP |
PROVATAS-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS ANTIQUE BRASS PLATE * One Pair 5.0 x 8.5 mm (comes with Cymbal post back/nut) Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012818-AB |
PROVATAS-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS ANTIQUE SILVER PLATE * One Pair 5.0 x 8.5 mm (comes with Cymbal post back/nut) Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012818-SP |
PROVATAS-GEMDUO EARRING POSTS ROSE GOLD PLATE * One Pair 5.0 x 8.5 mm (comes with Cymbal post back/nut) Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012818-RG |
TOURLOS II-GEMDUO Bead Ending, 24K GOLD PLATE * One Pair, 9.3 x 16.3 mm, To attach to a clasp for GemDuo Czech Glass Beads. Stock #... |
TOURLOS II-GEMDUO Bead Ending, ANTIQUE BRASS PLATE * One Pair, 9.3 x 16.3 mm, To attach to a Earring or Clasp for GemDuo Czech Glass Beads. Stock #... |
TOURLOS II-GEMDUO Bead Ending, ANTIQUE SILVER PLATE * One Pair, 9.3 x 16.3 mm, To attach to a clasp or earring for GemDuo Czech Glass Beads. Stock #... |
TOURLOS II-GEMDUO Bead Ending, ROSE GOLD PLATE * One Pair, 9.3 x 16.3 mm, To attach to a clasp for GemDuo Czech Glass Beads. Stock #... |
24K Gold Plate - Ralaki GemDuo Magnetic Clasp. Weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012334-GP * One Set |
Antique Brass Plate - Ralaki GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012334-AB * One Set |
Antique Silver Plate - Ralaki GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012334-SP |
Antique Silver Plate - Sykia GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a clasp of your choice! * One Pair * Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012209-SP |
Gold Plate - Sykia GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a clasp of your choice! One pair; Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012209-GP |
Gold Plate - Triades GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a clasp of your choice! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-021049-GP |
Rose Gold Plate - Ralaki GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012334-RG * One Set |
TOURLOS III-GEMDUO Bead Ending, ANTIQUE BRASS PLATE * GemDuo Bead Ending for Earring or Clasp One Pair, 18.4 x 14.3 mm, Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012436-AB |
TOURLOS III-GEMDUO Bead Ending, 24K GOLD PLATE * GemDuo Bead Ending for Earring or Clasp One Pair, 18.4 x 14.3 mm, Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012436-GP |
TOURLOS III-GEMDUO Bead Ending, ANTIQUE SILVER PLATE * One Pair, 18.4 x 14.3 mm, Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012436-SP |
TOURLOS III-GEMDUO Bead Ending, ROSE GOLD PLATE * One Pair, 18.4 x 14.3 mm, Stock # HEL-CYM-GD-012436-RG |
Antique Brass Plate - VANI IV GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a Clasp or Earring of your choice! One pair; 21.6 x 8.5 mm Stock #:... |
Antique Silver Plate - VANI IV GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a Clasp or Earring of your choice! One pair; 21.6 x 8.5 mm Stock #:... |
Gold Plate - VANI IV GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a Clasp or Earring of your choice! One pair; 21.6 x 8.5 mm Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012323-GP |
Rose Gold Plate - VANI IV GemDuo Bead Ending, use these to attach a Clasp or Earring of your choice! One pair; 21.6 x 8.5 mm Stock #:... |
Czech GemDuo - Backlit Crystal; Stock #: GD8500030-27002, approx. 68 beads * 10 Grams. Matubo Czech Republic Glass Bead. |
Czech GemDuo - Backlit Tanzanite 8 x 5 mm; Stock #: CGDBKLTZ, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Backlit Tequila; Stock #: CGDBKLTQA, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Bondeli Matte Lilac; Stock #: CGDBMC, approx. 68 beads * 10 Grams. Matubo Czech Republic Glass Bead. |
Czech GemDuo - Bondeli Matte Soft Pink; Stock #: CGDBMSP, approx. 68 beads * 10 Grams. Matubo Czech Republic Glass Bead. |
Czech GemDuo - Bronze Metallic; Stock #: CGDBZ Czech 2 hole bead 10 grams apox 65-70 beads |
Czech GemDuo - Bronze Aluminum; Stock #: CGDBZALM, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads |
Czech GemDuo - Chalk Luster, 8 x 5 mm; Stock #: CGDCKWHTL, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams Made in the Czech Republic by Matubo |
Czech GemDuo - Chalk Opaque, 8 x 5 mm ; Stock #: CGDCKOP, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Crystal AB; Stock #: CGDCAB, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads * Made by Matubo in the Czech Republic. |
Czech GemDuo - Crystal Vitral; 8x5mm Two Hole Bead. 10 Grams. Approximately. 68 Beads. Stock #: CGDCVT |
Czech GemDuo - Fine Silver Plate, 5 x 8mm, Stock #: CGDFNSPT, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Full Labrador; 5 x 8 mm, Stock #: GD8500030-27000, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams * Made by Matubo in the Czech Republic. |
Czech GemDuo - Hematite. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock #: CGDHEM, a |
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Czech GemDuo - Ionic Jet / White; 8 x 5mm, Stock #: GD8502010-24619, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads * Made by Matubo in the Czech Republic. |
Czech GemDuo - Ionic Turquoise Green / Brown; 8 x 5mm, Stock #: GD8502010-24614, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads * Made by Matubo in the Czech... |
Czech GemDuo - Ionic White Jet; 8 x 5mm, Stock #: GD8502010-24601, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads * Made by Matubo in the Czech Republic. |
Czech GemDuo - Ivory Luster; 8 x 5mm, Stock #: GD8513020-14400, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads * Made by Matubo in the Czech Republic. |
Czech GemDuo - Ivory Opaque, 8 x 5 mm; Stock #: CGDIOP, approx. 68 beads * 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Jet Opaque. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock #: CGDJ, |
Czech GemDuo - Jet Matte. 8 x 5mm. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 beads. Stock #: CGDJM |
Czech GemDuo - Gold Rainbow. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock... |
Czech GemDuo - Chalk Lava Red; Stock #: CGDMML/CKLVR, 10 grams - approx. 68 beads |
Czech GemDuo - Matte Metallic Silver. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock #: CGDMMSIL |
Czech GemDuo - Matte Velvet Dark Teal; 8 x 5mm, Stock #: GD8502010-29530, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads * Made by Matubo in the Czech Republic. |
Czech GemDuo - Metallic Suede Blue. 10 grams - approx. 68 beads ; Stock #: CGDM SDBL |
Czech Gemduo - Metallic Suede Dark Forest. Czech 2 Hole Bead 10 gram package. #CGDMSDDF |
Czech GemDuo - Metallic Suede Purple. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. #CGDMSDPUR |
Czech GemDuo - Nickle Plate Stock #: CGDNIPT, approx. 68 beads |
Czech GemDuo - Pastel Light Cream, 5 x 8 mm. Stock #: CGDPTLLTCM, approx. 68 beads * 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Pastel Lilac, 8 x 5 mm; Stock #: GD8525012, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams * Made in the Czech Republic |
Czech GemDuo - Pastel Pink; 8 x 5mm, Stock #: CGDPTLPK, 10 Grams, approx. 68 beads |
Czech GemDuo - Pearl Shine White. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock #: CGDPLSHNWT |
Czech GemDuo - Polychrome Pink Olive. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. #CGDPCPOV |
Czech GemDuo - Sueded Gold Cloud Dream. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock #:... |
Czech GemDuo - Sueded Gold Fern. Matubo Two Hole 8 x 5mm Glass Bead. 10 Gram Package. Approximately 68 Beads. Stock #: CGDSDGDFN |
Czech GemDuo - Transparent Denim Blue Luster #CGDTDMBLL Czech Two Hole GemDuo 10 gram package |
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Czech GemDuo - Tropical Rainforest; Stock #: CGDTRF, approx. 68 beads, 10 Grams |
Czech GemDuo - Turquoise Opaque. 8mm x 5mm Two Hole Bead. Stock #: CGDTQOP. Approximately 68 beads, 10 Grams |
GYALOS-Antique Brass Plate GemDuo Magnetic Clasp, weave this magnetic clasp directly onto your bead work! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-013090-AB * One Set... |
MITAKAS-GemDuo Side Bead -24k Gold Plate * 4 Pieces * 7.8 x 3.7 mm * gives a metal definition to the edge of a bead bracelet, bead cluster, or bead... |
MITAKAS-GemDuo Side Bead -Antique Brass Plate * 4 Pieces * 7.8 x 3.7 mm * gives a metal definition to the edge of a bead bracelet, bead cluster, or... |
MITAKAS-GemDuo Side Bead -Antique Silver Plate * 4 Pieces * 7.8 x 3.7 mm * gives a metal definition to the edge of a bead bracelet, bead cluster, or... |
MITAKAS-GemDuo Side Bead -Rose Gold Plate * 4 Pieces * 7.8 x 3.7 mm * gives a metal definition to the edge of a bead bracelet, bead cluster, or bead... |
TRIADES-GemDuo Bead Ending-Rose Gold Plate * One Pair * 5.9 x 7.3 mm use these to attach a clasp of your choice! Stock #: HEL-CYM-GD-012049-RG |